Q What is
A is like email, although rather than sending an email message to someone's PC, it sends an SMS Text message to their mobile phone. You can just use your normal email package and, if you wish, you can add an address to your normal email address book, e.g. <Jims Mobile> ([email protected])
Q What are Text messages?
A Text messages usually carry up to 160 characters of text (depending on service provider) to a compatible mobile phone. They are often used when you want to get in contact with someone quickly and reliably, but don't need to speak to them directly.
Q How long can a message be?
A A standard text message has a maximum length of 160 characters. However your cell phone carrier might have a specific limit, please conact your cell phone provider for specific maximum lengths.
Q Can the person that I sent the message to reply to it?
A Yes. All they need to do is reply to the message in the normal way for their phone. The message will then be sent to the email address that that you used to send the original message. Cool eh?
Q Why do you need my mobile phone number when I register?
A Because we don't ask for any personal information such as your name and address, we need to have a way of identifying you within our system. In addition, we are also working with the mobile phone operators to introduce a feature that will allow us to configure the message so that it looks as though it has come from your mobile phone. We will let you know when this is ready.
Q How much does it cost to send a message?
A Nothing, its FREE!
Q Can I include attachments with my email?
A Yes. However, the mobile recipient will receive only 12 characters of the attachment filename, not the attachment itself (plus the body of the message of course). Regular email recipients will receive the full attachment.
Q Can I use the service from more than one computer?
A Certainly, you can email from any computer in the world.
Q Do I have to install any software on my computer?
A No.
Q Can mess up my normal email in any way?
A No. © Copyright
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